Achieve Peak Performance!
Achieve Peak Performance!
the process helped me a lot in dealing with my peers and my subordinates
Barry coached me for a year twice a week over the phone and once a month face-to-face even though I was halfway across the country from him. I had several issues I wanted to address through habit-transformation coaching, and Barry facilitated a formal on-line 360° survey, which gives an excellent overview of strengths and weaknesses. Barry also conducted 360° interviews that provided details on specific issues for me to address. That feedback included the following issues: I sometimes disrupted meetings with my own agenda, I needed to focus more on active listening, some people reported that they felt that I verbally abused them, and some of my direct reports felt like I micromanaged them. I thought I made excellent progress on all these issues and several more during my coaching program, so in order to gauge how much progress others felt I made, we waited until six months after my coaching program completed to make sure my changes endured, and Barry conducted a follow-up on-line 360° survey. Barry and I and my management and HR all thought the results were outstanding. When we compared my follow-up results with my original survey data, my combined feedback (boss, peers, subordinates, and an other group) results showed a minimum of 19 percentile improvement on every category measured and average improvement of 29 percentile. My direct reports, which had indicated the greatest problems with me, showed a minimum of 41 percentile improvement on every category measured and average improvement of 51 percentile. I also participated in a multi-session workshop Barry conducted on making formal commitments and holding people accountable for their commitments. The process helped me a lot in dealing with my peers and my subordinates, and I taught some members of my team to use the same process. Barry's company always gives his clients an opportunity to add one personal goal among the business goals they identify. I chose to stop smoking because I had tried and failed many times. Using the same behavior-change techniques that Barry used for my other habit transformations, Barry enabled me to stop smoking during this program.
- Dan J. Product Development Director for a design and manufacturing company
coached me through greatly reducing my counterproductive behaviors and those changes endured
Barry coached several members of my organization over an extended period including my Director of HR and me. In addition to making many improvements in the habits of my HR director, Barry trained him to be a transformation coach, so he took over providing coaching for my company after Barry wound up his engagement with us. My biggest problems were that I became too aggressive at times and occasionally denigrated some of my employees. Through a year-long process, Barry coached me through greatly reducing my counterproductive behaviors and those changes endured. When my HR manager brought Barry in to coach me and others, he challenged Barry to get quick results with me. Barry told him that his transformation coaching program takes about a year to get lasting results, but he said he would stop my incessant swearing within three months, which my HR manager laughed off. Barry accomplished that and went on to do much more with me and others in my company. Barry also conducted a five-session workshop for my senior management on making commitments and holding people accountable for their commitments, which greatly improved the execution capability of my company.
- Michael W. CEO of a mid-size manufacturing company
Barry Borgerson has done excellent work in building intellectual capital for executive coaching.
This recommendation is written regarding Barry Borgerson and the excellent work that he has done in building intellectual capital for executive coaching. I have worked closely with Barry over many years where he served in different roles including mentor, professional collaborator, and being my executive coach. At Oliver Wyman Delta, we looked closely and thoroughly at the work Barry has done on behavioral change in executives and saw value and utility for our Leadership Development Practice working with senior leaders on organization and individual change. I have applied his methods/approach in client settings and found them to be effective. We used his intellectual capital as a foundation for developing a coaches training program for a +$3 billion market cap U.S. natural resource company which was well received. As a licensed clinical psychologist, I found his principles, methods, and approaches fully consistent with my background in psychotherapy as well as the professional literature on individual change. It is worth noting that his methods have been prepared and communicated to senior executives in a manner they find clear, understandable, and helpful to their roles in a business setting. If there is a negative it is that understanding the core of Barry's intellectual capital requires some patience and study. Barry himself is best at explaining his approach in a meaningful way. At all times I have found Barry to be professional, responsive, and providing high-quality service.
-Randall Cheloha, Principal , Cheloha Consulting
played a key leadership role
I worked closely with Barry for several years in the Council for Entrepreneurial Development's Venture Mentoring Service (CED-VMS). During that time, Barry mentored several startups to improve their business knowledge and coached their leaders through behavior changes to transform them from hopeful startups to growth companies and some through successful exits. Also, Barry played a key leadership role in raising the overall effectiveness of our whole CED-VMS program by interviewing and selecting increasingly effective mentors, training new mentors, and by refining the role, and then training lead mentors.